Community Testimonials
"I hardly know where to start to describe all the things CEHG has meant to me over the past year. My interest in it started out as a place for me to learn new things about topics I'm interested in, while simultaneously meeting new people with similar interests. The weekly Evolgenome talks and especially the CEHG symposium this year were full of interesting people talking about interesting things. My involvement got deeper when the CEHG outreach committee was formed, as one of my favorite things to do in science is share my knowledge and enthusiasm with the next generation of scientists. Whether it was going to visit a high school to do experiments in class, or having students come visit campus to learn about what we do, CEHG provided many opportunities for me to share what I love most about science." -Alex Adams Sockell (Event and Outreach Volunteer)
"CEHG has allowed me to connect with a wide variety of amazing scientists focused on many different things. As an evolutionary ecology PhD student having conversations with geneticists, bioinformaticians and theoreticians has allowed me to broaden and improve my scientific questions, as well as develop as an interdisciplinary scientist." -Hannah Kim Frank (Outreach Volunteer)
"CEHG has been a positive force in my education this past year on several fronts. The Evolgenome Seminar series was always interesting and exposed me to new perspectives in genetics, for example in relation to cryptography. The outreach programs with local middle and high schools were rewarding, grounding, and encouraging. In less formal ways, I appreciated the conversations and meetings held with the CEHG Arts group - pen & watercolor can be a powerful perspective alongside computational approaches, especially when it comes to conceptualizing the genome and its place in an evolving society." -Daniel Friedman (CEHGArts Member and Outreach Volunteer)
"To me, CEHG has been an incredible platform on which I was able to grow as a scientist. Not only has it funded a critical year of my research through its Postdoctoral Fellows program, but it has also allowed me to interact with other scientists through its weekly CEHG lectures and annual CEHG symposium. CEHG has thus far greatly enriched my experience at Stanford and I look forward to participating in the CEHG events to come." -Yang Li (CEHG Symposium Organizing Committee Member)
"The CEHG is a stellar community of colleagues aimed at furthering our understanding of the origins and implications of human genetic variation. It provides us with key opportunities to connect the diverse and unique research strengths at Stanford and beyond. It is an outstanding forum for PIs and trainees alike, providing new connections, collaborations and support that ultimately lead to new discoveries. The CEHG Symposia is personally one of my favorite events at Stanford each year." -Stephen Montgomery (CEHG Faculty Member and Fellowship Committee Member)
"I have enjoyed my first year of outreach with CEHG and am looking forward to the program’s continued success. Sharing science with the public is important because it exposes the process of doing science, which makes it more accessible. CEHG's mission of outreach to underserved populations allows us to use inquiry-based lessons to encourage the next generation of scientists early in their studies, before they may be discouraged by standard fact memorization. Participating in these events has expanded my communication skills beyond the scientific community. Building skills that allow me to connect with non-scientists of all ages will benefit my post- graduate school career." -Jessica Ribado (Outreach Volunteer)
"During my time at Stanford, CEHG has not only enabled me to conduct collaborative genomics work on campus as well as in India, but it has also given me the opportunity to pursue other interests through the CEHG outreach and arts groups. I am currently in the last year of my PhD and it is clear to me that most of my dissertation work would not have been possible without the financial support of CEHG and mentorship from its faculty members." -Katie Solari (CEHGArts Member and Outreach Volunteer)